Sunday, June 20, 2010

Getting Organized . . . still

Spent a great deal of yesterday going through crap on my desk, tossing, organizing into categories, more tossing. Found about 6 different versions of SAH - good grief. Have had too many people looking at it, I think. Have reached the point where I'm totally trusting my gut. If I like a particular scene, phrase, word - it stays, if I don't it goes. I was going to change the first chapter - do a complete rewrite - but have changed my mind. I like the book opening with the cat, and it's staying. Cleaned out a bunch of files, sorted through those and got things up-to-date. Now if I can just keep it this way - well, even as I write that, I know that isn't going to happen. I'll be doing this same thing all over 6 months from now. Ah well . . .
Right now (hopefully temporarily) I've sort of lost interest in Harry. Have taken a couple of chapters of WINTER'S EDGE to my Wednesday critique (for lack of anything new to bring on the Harry book), and unfortunately have gotten really interested in it again. Problem is, I only have 4 chapters written on it which means I either have to get busy and get back to Harry, or write a new chapter (5) for Winter's Edge. Am also working on stuff for the Authors Event in September (we've renamed it WRITE IN THE VALLEY - Chapter 2)- have done mock-ups for a flyer - worked on that all day Friday.
Rain again - the entire month of June - and looking ahead at the 10 day forecast, it's more rain and chilly. We're not going to have much of a summer I don't think. We're wearing sweat shirts to golf in and sweaters during the day. Crummy.
Mike is taking Rich to brunch for Father's Day - so guess I'll write. Rainy days are good for that.

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